Digital Editor Halima Ahad reviews Olivia Rodrigo’s deluxe edition of GUTS, enjoying the ways Rodrigo is having fun experimenting with her sound

third year eng & creative writing, aspiring journalist, former culture editor and current digital editor <3

Olivia Rodrigo knows how to keep a surprise secret, the surprise being the deluxe album GUTS (spilled) accompanying its sister album GUTS. The singer revealed the surprise on her GUTS tour to fans at the Chicago show. The deluxe version of the album came with five songs, including an exclusive music video with one of the songs ‘obsessed’. Listening to these songs solidified the album as a whole for me, as the singer explored the angst and rage of young womanhood and living in American society today.

The opening track of the album began with ‘all american-b*tch’, an absolute favourite of mine as the pop rock tones of the song accompany heartfelt lyrics about living as a young woman in society today. The lyrics in the chorus ‘Forgive, and I forget / I know my age and I act like it’ highlight this perfectly, as Rodrigo puts a spin on the age-old saying of ‘act your age’. Rodrigo is telling her critics, as a young woman, that it is wrong for them to harshly judge herself and her music so quickly. The song is reassuring for listeners as she tells them it is okay to be themselves, no matter what others may think of them.

As the album progresses, Rodrigo touches upon the more heartfelt and emotional feelings of being a young woman

As the album progresses, Rodrigo touches upon the more heartfelt and emotional feelings of being a young woman. ‘lacy’ displays these emotions perfectly, as Rodrigo ponders on what being a perfect girl in society truly means. Lacy is seen as the perfect young woman in society and what Rodrigo wants to achieve, the lyrics ‘Like perfume that you wear, I linger all the time / Watching, hidden in plain sight’ show this. Young women in society today tend to question themselves and if they are the ‘main character’. Rodrigo shows this perfectly throughout the lyrics of ‘lacy’ which are accompanied by the soft tones of the guitar.

Another track on the album which spoke a lot to me was ‘pretty isn’t pretty’ as Rodrigo speaks about the highs and lows of beauty standards in society today. I find the song relates back to another on her debut album SOUR ‘jealousy jealousy’ in which Rodrigo tells listeners of her jealousy of those women who are deemed worthy in society due to their looks or wealth. ‘pretty isn’t pretty’ ponders upon how young women try to change themselves to some extent in order to be worthy in society. ‘When pretty isn’t pretty enough, what do you do? / And everybody’s keepin’ it up, so you think it’s you’ accompanies the soft, rock undertones as Rodrigo sings of a relatable issue between her listeners, how they can never be ‘pretty’ enough in the eyes of society today.

‘pretty isn’t pretty’ ponders upon how young women try to change themselves to some extent in order to be worthy in society

‘obsessed’ is the brand new single on the GUTS (spilled) album and it definitely doesn’t disappoint. The accompanying music video places Rodrigo in the perspective of the ‘other girl’ as she feels underlying jealousy at her lover’s ex, ultimately placing her on a pedestal. The music video is entertaining as listeners get to see how Rodrigo’s obsession with her beau’s ex manifests into numerous perfect women, including one who is good with children. The lyrics compliment the video nicely. ‘I’m so obsessed with your ex (uh-huh) / I know she’s been asleep on my side of your bed, and I can feel it’ shows how Rodrigo feels that her partner’s ex has taken over her life, making her overthink her every word and action in the new relationship.

The pop rock and grungy feel of the new added songs of the album are unforgettable as Rodrigo is having fun with experimenting her sound

The pop rock and grungy feel of the new added songs of the album are unforgettable as Rodrigo is having fun with experimenting her sound. This can be seen in ‘so american’ where she preaches her American roots and takes pride in this. ‘And he says I’m so American / Oh God, it’s just not fair of him’ shows how her lover makes jokes and gimmicks about her roots but she couldn’t care less as she is having fun in the relationship.

Overall, GUTS (spilled) is a joyous listen as Olivia Rodrigo displays every single feeling of young womanhood in society, from angst to heartache and young love. I adore how Rodrigo is freely experimenting with her sound and having fun in the process and I cannot wait for what is to come for her in the future.

Rating: 10/10

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