Bethany Carter explains how visiting Venice in Winter provided her with many cost-effective benefits

Written by Bethany Carter
Music Critic

With 2020 in full steam, a lot of you may be desperate to escape the dull and dreary weather of the UK. Here is a list of reasons as to why Venice is the perfect place to get away during the start of the new year.

From January 24th to the 27th, I spent my time exploring the beautiful city of Venice, Italy. As January/February is not peak tourist season, I managed to get: my flights, 3 nights in a 4-star hotel right around the corner from St. Mark’s Square, breakfast included, for the price of £206.

The atmosphere is a very safe and friendly feeling

Arriving in Venice was one of the most refreshing experiences I have ever encountered. Although the weather is only a slight improvement on the UK at this time of year, it is what makes Venice even more enchanting. Seeing the canals and quaint alleyways indulged with a fine fog-like mist made Venice seem like a land you would only find in fairy-tales.

You can get around Venice quite cheaply as there are rarely any cars or roads in sight; most locals just walk or take the water bus to where they need to be. Venice is also a great destination to escape the blues of the new year due to its warming/comforting nature. Walking through the quaint little alleyways is a pleasurable experience. The atmosphere is a very safe and friendly feeling, with fairy lights draped within most of the alleyways, and the streets always full of life.

If you are in the need of some cultural indulgence, the architecture around Venice will be sure to impress. Saint Marks Basilica is a beautiful cathedral of exquisite architecture and is one of Venice’s most visited sites. Entry inside of the cathedral is free, with small charges to visit certain rooms inside as an optional choice. Right outside of the Basilica is St Mark’s Campanile (the Cathedral’s bell tower). Entry inside costs you €8, for this you will be able to go to the very top of the tower via lift and have the most incredible view of Venice. This is definitely worth the price as the view is one of a kind and sheer bliss.

Foodwise, the choice is abundant for great tasting food. For students on a budget, I found that ‘Tiziano Snack Bar’ offered a great service. For 10-11 euros (depending on what you choose) you could have pasta or pizza, with a drink. I enjoyed Tiziano so much because it was delicious whilst still on the cheaper side compared to the other restaurants you may find in Venice. There is also no seating or service charge here, which is great as some restaurants have a lot of hidden costs.

I truly urge all of you to choose Venice as your chosen holiday this winter. If you go in the summer it is a lot busier as swarms of tourists gather to visit, and this may effect how well you enjoy your time here. It is a truly warming experience and my favourite destination to have visited yet!

Want to see more of Italy? Check out these articles!

Top Three: things to do in Venice

The Bay of Naples 

Travel Guide: When in Rome
