One in three university students have expressed their unhappiness with the current academic environment amidst the latest lockdown period
As per the latest poll conducted by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in England, 37% students were recorded as being ‘dissatisfied’ or ‘very dissatisfied’ with universities’ methods of online teaching, as well as the quality of learning.
This is a rise from the previous poll conducted in November of last year which recorded 29% student dissatisfaction.
The complaints regarding online learning stem from the several variations in working environments. The ONS survey finds that 60% of the 2,600 students interviewed between the 8th and 18th January have not come back to university accommodation from their home cities or countries which they returned to over the holidays.
While several universities have waived rent payments or proposed refunds for the months spent in lockdown, many non-first year students in privately rented accommodation may not benefit similarly from financial relief.
Alongside financial concerns, this new lockdown and its challenges have put a strain on students’ mental well-being as well. 63% students have reported a deterioration in mental health since the start of the academic year, while 70% of students who have experienced a change in accommodation since the start of autumn term also say that their mental health has worsened.
63% students have reported a deterioration in mental health
Although universities are offering mental health and wellbeing support online and have seen an increasing demand for such services too, they are requesting for additional government support for students’ welfare.
Nicola Dandridge, chief executive of the Office for Students has spoken in her statement regarding the need for universities to deliver ‘high quality alternative arrangements’ for university students.
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