Film Editor Jess Parker reviews Years & Years’ cover of Crystal Waters’ song, describing it as a modern pop cover that does not quite match up to the original

Ex Print & Features Editor and Film Editor. MA Film and Television: Research and Production student.

Released on the first of November 2022, Years & Years’ new single, ‘100% Pure Love’, covers Crystal Waters’ iconic 1994 dance-pop hit of the same name. Years & Years are known for their catchy electronic dance tracks, and have certainly not disappointed with their most recent cover. This new rendition was created for Target’s 2022 Christmas advertising campaign.

As of April 2021, Years & Years now consists of vocalist Olly Alexander solely. Alexander has taken on well-known tracks before, such as Kanye West’s ‘American Boy’ and Pet Shop Boys’ ‘It’s a Sin’. Alexander is ambitious in his choice of covers, proving that Years & Years’ style can suit a multitude of genres.

Alexander’s rendition feels much cleaner that Waters’, bringing the synth-pop single into 2022

The single comes after Years & Years’ most recent album, Night Call, which was released in January 2022. Alexander’s reimagining of the dance hit retains the bouncy feel of Waters’ original, while fitting into Years & Years’ recognisable style with ease. Alexander’s rendition feels much cleaner that Waters’, bringing the synth-pop single into 2022 with Years & Years’ influential brand of modern pop.

This cover, unfortunately, feels like it is missing something. Whether it’s the memorable husk of Waters’ vocals or simply the missing cowbell drone, the track struggles to completely capture the charm that makes the original so unforgettable. The track does, however, put its own spin on Waters’ song, resulting in a modern dance cover that Alexander has certainly made his mark on.

Rating: 6/10

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