Food&Drink Writer Yankie Chow provides her favourite hot chocolate recipes to keep you warm through the cold British months

Written by YankieChow

Hot chocolate is one of the best and easiest recipes to get you through the cold chilly days in the middle of the winter season. It is undeniable that curling up on a couch or bed, scrolling through your phone or reading a book during the winter with a hot cup of chocolate in your hands is one of the best ways to pass this tough, cold winter time.

This easy and efficient recipe is useful for people who are feeling lazy during the winter season…

One of the easiest methods which I have used when staying in my accommodation over the winter break is by using chocolate powder from the supermarkets. It is the most efficient way and cost-effective to make hot chocolate quickly and you can immediately curl up into your blanket and start your plans for the day.

This was the first recipe I tried when I first came here and couldn’t stand the weather, and the times when I just didn’t feel the motivation to pull myself out of bed. This easy and efficient recipe is useful for people who are feeling lazy during the winter season and don’t want to deal with complicated recipes to make a perfect hot chocolate.

The marshmallows help to add sweetness to the hot chocolate…

I’ve also tried a few other methods for making a better hot chocolate which I discovered during some of the activities held on campus. They offered different hot chocolate flavours as well as toppings such as marshmallows which made a great hot chocolate and gave me the motivation to continue testing different hot chocolates during the long Christmas break.

Adding marshmallows is of course a great idea when it comes to hot chocolate toppings, as this combo never fails. The taste is splendid when the flavours of the hot chocolate are mixed with the sweetness of the half-melted marshmallows twirling on the surface of the chocolate. The marshmallows help to add sweetness to the hot chocolate, making the whole drink even tastier.

Adding circles of cream increases the sweetness…

I have also tried another combo by adding cream to the cup of chocolate and it is currently the best hot chocolate that I like. Adding circles of cream increases the sweetness of the chocolate as it melts, and I prefer the sweetness of the melting cream compared to the one by the marshmallow. The melting cream dissolves into the hot chocolate, making the drink even sweeter, which is the best thing in the cold winter to warm up.

Of course, there are also different ways to make a cup of chocolate. Whether you are interested in adding marshmallows, whipped cream or both, all of the toppings will elevate your cup of hot chocolate. Try out my recipe for people who want an easy to make hot chocolate and who have a sweet tooth to enjoy during the cold winter.

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